Shipping & Delivery
Shipping & Delivery - within India
- Shipping is FREE all over India.
- We use high quality courier companies to ship our orders.
- We promise to ship within 24 hours after you order.
- After we ship, it may take 2-5 days for order delivery. Delivery duration depends how far is your city from New Delhi.
- Feel free to reach out to our team in case you have questions. Click to write to us.
Shipping to cities outside India
- Yes, we do ship to cities oustide India.
- Only catch is that customers need to pay the shipping cost.
- We charge exactly what the courier company charges us to ship orders outside India.
- We will share with you the original invoice raised by the courier company for shipping your order outisde India.
- Reach out to our team in case you want to have your order shipped outside India. Click to write to us.